Brain Health Page 11

Brain Health

Brain Health Category

Your Brain: 10 Things Literally Increase the Size of Brain

  Your Brain Several breakthroughs in science over the last few years suggest humans have the power to increase brain size. This can change your life in...

Asperger’s Symptoms & Natural Ways to Treat Them

Asperger’s Symptoms There’s a good chance you know at least one person with autism, which is now the most well-publicized pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) there...

ADHD Diet: the Recommended Foods, Supplements & Essential Oils

  Today, I’m going to share with you the top foods, supplements, natural treatments, and essential oils in the treatment of ADHD. And I guarantee that...

Rose Water How to Make and Rose Water Benefits

  Rose Water How to Make Rosewater has been used for centuries in natural skincare and beauty products, perfumes, household cleaners, and even cooking. According to dermatologists,...

Tea for Alzheimer’s Lowers Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Up to 86%

In a breakthrough study, scientists found evidence that using tea for Alzheimer’s could drastically lower your risk of developing the condition. It’s true, sipping the...

Athazagoraphobia, the Fear of Being Forgotten, What You Need to Know

How do you define athazagoraphobia? Phobias are chronic anxiety disorders that can disrupt your everyday life. For some, the condition may trigger intense feelings of...

Elder Abuse: 6 Warning Symptoms Of Abuse

Elder Abuse DEFINITION Elder abuse (sometimes also called senior neglect) is a common term used to describe destructive acts against an elderly adult, such as physical...

Signs of Autism You Don’t Want to Ignore

You can’t help but hear about how autism rates are rising in the news today. There’s a good reason why, too. Government officials report that autism...

Alzheimer’s Disease 7 Stages And 13 Symptoms

Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's disease is a type of progressive neurocognitive impairment and is the most common degenerative brain disorder. Dementia symptom of Alzheimer's disease...

Is ADHD a Learning Disability, Diet and Treatment

  Is ADHD a Learning Disability Difficulty concentrating, impulsiveness, excessive energy, and inability to sit still are some of the most common symptoms of Attention Deficit...
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