Brain Health Page 14

Brain Health

Brain Health Category

Alzheimer’s Natural Treatment Options & 7 Notable Breakthroughs

Alzheimer's Natural Treatment A growing number of organic cures, "medical foods," and dietary supplements are marketed as memory enhancers or treatments to delay and prevent...

How Lyme Disease Affects the Brain (And Mimics Other Diseases)

How Lyme Disease Affects the Brain Did you ever wonder how Lyme disease impacts the brain, with symptoms like brain fog? The U.S. Centers for...

Benefits of Friendships Appear to Last for Decades, Study Says

The benefits of friendships can last for decades, and I’ve got to tell you, some of the beneficial side effects are truly amazing. As it turns...

Is Parkinson’s Disease: 5 Steps For Natural Treatment

Is Parkinson’s disease a degenerative illness of the nervous system that results in loss of intentional movement and impaired motor functioning? Parkinson’s disease symptoms affect...

Parkinson’s Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors You Need to Know

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, cognitive condition that’s claiming more and more people every year. Experts now estimate that in the world’s most populated nations,...

Rose Water How to Make and Rose Water Benefits

  Rose Water How to Make Rosewater has been used for centuries in natural skincare and beauty products, perfumes, household cleaners, and even cooking. According to dermatologists,...

13 Uses for Castile Soap — Natural Cleaning for Body &...

Longing for a soap that you can trust is made with pure, all-natural, chemical-free ingredients? Castile soap should be at the top of the list....

What Is Microdermabrasion? Benefits & Risks of This Skin Procedure

Microdermabrasion is one of the most common nonsurgical cosmetic procedures that’s performed in the United States. It’s done to improve skin health by exfoliating dead...

8 Surprising Ways to Lower Your Dementia Risk

 Dementia Risk 8 Surprising Ways to Lower the Risk   Dementia is an umbrella term for a team of symptoms triggered by conditions affecting the human brain,...

Is ADHD a Learning Disability, Diet and Treatment

  Is ADHD a Learning Disability Difficulty concentrating, impulsiveness, excessive energy, and inability to sit still are some of the most common symptoms of Attention Deficit...
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