Heart Disease in Women: How to Reduce Your Risk

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America, killing one person every 37 seconds. It’s a health condition that doesn’t discriminate, affecting the...

HIIT Workouts: Major Health Benefits Plus Sample Workout Plans

     High-intensity interval training, also called HIIT workouts, has become known in the fitness and medical world as one of the most effective means of...

Benefits of Thyme for Your Heart Throat, and Mood

Benefits of Thyme Benefits of Thyme, Thyme isn't merely among one of the most popular culinary natural herbs today-- it likewise has a lengthy...

Yarrow Uses for Wounds, Inflammation and Digestion

Yarrow, a flower in the sunflower family that’s closely related to chamomile and chrysanthemum, has been used since ancient times by cultures around the...

High Blood Pressure Symptoms You Can Reverse Naturally

  High Blood Pressure Symptoms What if I told you that a health condition affects about 72 million — or one out of every three —...

Coconut Aminos: The Healthy Replacement for Soy Sauce?

Do you find yourself in love with Asian food but unable to stomach the risks of genetically modified soy sauce? You, my friend, are...

Anasazi Beans: Incredible Bean that Fights Cancer and Diabetes

Anasazi Beans The Anasazi beans contain an excellent nutrient profile, marked with a high quantity of iron per dose, in addition to potassium, calcium, and much more. Anasazi...

Blood Clots: Causes & Symptoms + 8 Natural Remedies

Blood Clots: Causes Blood clots stop you from losing too much blood after an injury, stop germs from getting into a wound and allow the...

Beta Blockers: How They Work, Types, Benefits & Side Effects

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a whopping 70 percent of adults over the age of 65 living in the United...

Visceral Fat: What It Is and Why It’s So Dangerous

  Visceral Fat Most people view body fat as relatively harmless and merely something we want to banish to look and feel better, but did you...
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