How to Increase Good HDL Cholesterol

Good HDL Cholesterol It’s a widespread misconception that cholesterol is generally bad and high levels always cause for serious concern. But what if I told you...

7 Ways to Achieve Normal Cholesterol Levels (6 of Which Are...

Ways to Achieve Normal Cholesterol Levels A large study published in the 1970s shaped how most people have thought about normal cholesterol levels for...

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally with Simple Steps

How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally  There are tons of natural remedies for lowering cholesterol levels, often promising quick results with next to no effort required...

11 Natural Remedies for Hyperlipidemia

You may not be familiar with hyperlipidemia, but chances are you know someone who’s been affected by this condition — even if that person...

Phlebitis: 5 Natural Ways to Improve Swollen Vein Symptoms

Phlebitis — a swollen or inflamed vein — is a fairly common condition that can range from mild to deadly, depending on its location...

Temporal Arteritis: How to Manage with 6 Natural Remedies

Temporal arteritis causes pain and swelling in the arteries of the head and neck. There is no clear cause and no real cure, but fast...

5 Natural Ways to Manage Endocarditis Symptoms 

Each year in the U.S., about 34,000 patients are admitted to the hospital for infective endocarditis. While endocarditis, a condition that affects the inner lining...

6 Natural Ways to Manage Cardiomyopathy Symptoms 

Cardiomyopathy, a condition that commonly results in an enlarged heart and reduced blood flow, affects as many as 1 in 500 adults living in...

Heart Murmur + 7 Natural Ways to Boost Heart Health

The thought of having a heart murmur may seem scary and confusing. You may be wondering what this means and what’s causing it. Is a heart...

How to Maintain Normal Troponin Levels

Healthy adults — those with no recent history of heart damage, kidney disease, or severe lung damage — usually do not have high enough...
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