Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: 4 Key Factors

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), known otherwise as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID), is a health condition that causes...

Cataract Surgery: 12 Hazardous Risks To Be Aware Of

Cataract Surgery A cataract is a condition known as clouding the eye's normally clear lens that can eventually obstruct vision. Cataracts become more common as...

Body Mass Index Define Plus 1 Simple BMI Calculator

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)? Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple calculation using height and weight to estimate body fatness. It's a helpful...

How Much Salt Per Day: The Truth Meter

How Much Salt Per Day TRUE Slashing salt reduces blood pressure. This classic advice has strong evidence supporting it.  A new meta-analysis of 133 randomized controlled trials...

What is Delta-8 THC: Understanding its Benefits and Risks

Delta-8 THC (Δ8THC) is a minor but potent psychoactive component of the Cannabis plant. It is similar to Delta-9 THC (the most abundant and...

Seasonal Allergies: 4 Ways to Soothe Seasonal Allergies

4 Ways to Soothe Seasonal Allergies Seasonal Allergies, Sniffling, sneezing, and red, watery eyes? Yep, it's allergy season. "Allergies are an immune reaction to a foreign...

What Is Fluoridation And Fluoridation Benefits

What Is Fluoridation Fluoride, a mineral found naturally in water, soil, and air (among other things), is needed to maintain healthy bones and teeth. It...

Obstacles To a Healthy Lifestyle And How To Overcome Them

Obstacles To a Healthy Lifestyle These are the 13 most frequent obstacles to a healthy lifestyle excuses With some planning, knowledge, and support, you can move...

Allergy Tests: 6 Possible Full Symptoms To Expect

Allergy Tests About 1 in 5 people have allergies to things they breathe in, eat, or touch. That works out to about 50 million people...

Strong Fertility: 4 Promising Medications To Consider

STRONG FERTILITY Infertility drugs help people conceive a child and help women carry the child to term. Infertility affects both men and women. Infertility is defined...
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