Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental Health Category Page

Symptoms of Schizophrenia+Natural Ways to Help Schizophrenia

Of the psychiatric diagnoses in our modern world, schizophrenia holds a particularly infamous position. The symptoms of schizophrenia are thought by many to be debilitating,...

How to Be Happy in the City? Seek What Nature You...

How to Be Happy in the City, There are plenty of health benefits of spending time outdoors, like getting your fill of vitamin D...

The Procrastination Problem: Does It Affect You? (Plus How to Fix...

The Procrastination Problem We’ve all done it — delayed a task for hours or days, even though we knew we’d be better off doing it...

Teeth of Thumbsuckers And How To Prevent Thumb Sucking

Thumb Sucking affects on Teeth Teeth of Thumbsuckers and dental risks consist of misaligned teeth, which is where they are out of order from where...

The Chemical Imbalance Theory … Or Is It a Myth?

Chemical Imbalance Theory Throughout the checkered history of psychotropic drugs, one theory has been perpetuated: Many people believe that the risks still outweigh the benefits of...

Dacryphilia Is What? Find Answer Here

Dacryphilia Dacryphilia, a non-normative sexual desire that involves pleasure or arousal from crying and tears, has not been empirically researched. Some people are turned on by...

Nicotinamide Riboside: Unlocking the Secrets of Cellular Health and Longevity

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) is a unique form of vitamin B3, distinct in its ability to boost Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), a critical coenzyme in...

Dysthymia: Coping with Chronic Depression (+ 7 Mood Boosters)

Dysthymia — also known as persistent depressive disorder, chronic depression, or dysthymic disorder — is a long-lasting form of clinical depression. It often lasts for...

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS): 7 Official Symptoms

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) known as a motor neuron illness that causes damage to certain neurons (nerve cells) in the brain...

Mythbusters: Mood Plays Little Role in Your Health

The Myth Mood plays a tiny part in your wellness. The Reality Our bodies and minds have been linked in ways we're still detecting. However, only one...
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