11 Best Sugar Substitutes (the Healthiest Natural Sweeteners)

It’s estimated that the average American consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar every day and around 57 pounds of added sugar each year. Not only are...

Brown Sugar vs. White Sugar + 5 Healthier Substitutes

Over the years, brown sugar has solidified its reputation as a “healthy” alternative to white sugar. It’s often marketed as a natural sweetener and sugar...

Acrylamide in Coffee & Other Foods: Does It Cause Cancer?

Acrylamide — a chemical that is found in some foods that are exposed to high temperatures — has been linked to certain health problems,...

Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Unhealthy Diet Connection

CAN AN UNHEALTHY DIET CAUSE INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE? Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic relapsing condition presenting as inflammation of gut mucosa. Crohn’s disease...

Kakadu Plum: the Most Vitamin C-Rich Fruit on the Planet?

Australia is also home to a few of the very potent vitamin C foods called the Kakadu plum. Just how much vitamin C does...

Sea Moss: What Does Science Say About This Declared Superfood?

Sea Moss You may have heard about the sea moss "superfood" recently. Celebrities are touting it as an immune-boosting, skin healing, digestive aid. But, like most...

2 Amazing Lactaid Milk Recipes Plus Lactose-Free Milk Info

Lactaid Milk - Lactose-Free Milk Most lactose-free dairy products are particularly labeled "lactose-free." Lactaid Milk is just one well-regarded brand. Plant-based dairy products — such as...

Mullein: The Medicinal Herb that Fights Infections and Inflammation

Mullein: The Medicinal Herb Mullein is in use medicinally since ancient times, and its popularity and use just appear to be rising as time continues. The...

Zinc Benefits to Improve Health and How to Regulate Levels

You may have heard that zinc benefits include helping people recovering from colds, but this mineral is also needed by those who aren’t sick...

Sorrel: Leafy Greens that Fight Everything from Canker Sores to Cancer

I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't had sorrel before because it's not nearly as commonplace as many other greens. If you lived in the...
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