DNA Diet: Are Your Genes Decide Your Weight?


DNA Diet

DNA Diet

Is the path to health and fitness hidden in your genes? Here’s the wellness plan you never knew you needed, and it is known as DNA Diet.

In a year that has been like no other, health has taken center stage.

Indeed, while many aspects of the pandemic have been out of our control, the steps we can take to improve our wellbeing have very much been within our charge – and the first step to wellness is a good diet.

‘A balanced diet can help to support your overall health and ensure your immune system remains strong,’ explains Shivraj Bassi, founder, and CEO of “Innermost,” a wellness brand that offers targeted solutions for the body and mind.

‘No one food or supplement can ever prevent illness, but a good range of the
right nutrients will offer some protection and ensure optimal health.

Still, getting everything you need can be tricky.

‘Incorporating some smart nutritional supplements containing the right combinations of research-backed ingredients can make all the difference when it comes to achieving your individual wellness goals,’ adds Bassi.

But whether for weight loss, greater energy, or better digestive health, it’s clear that some
nutrient combinations work for some and yet don’t always work for others.

The problem? We’re so unique that our nutritional requirements vary – and that’s where personalized nutrition comes in.

Tipped to be one of the biggest health trends in 2021, personalized nutrition gives you the chance to eat in a tailored way to your body.

‘Now more than ever, we are looking beyond the traditional one-size-fits-all approach and demanding more from our nutrition,’ adds Bassi.

‘Personalised nutrition is born from the idea that your nutrition choices should align with your individual needs and goals – and why not?

With increasing amounts of research highlighting the benefits of nootropics, adaptogens, and other functional ingredients, consumers are gravitating towards products that are tailored to their individual wellness requirements.’

Moving us further away from the all-purpose diets of yesteryear, personalized nutrition
offers a tantalizing promise – to be the best version you can be, and who wouldn’t want that?


A growing area of personalized nutrition is DNA testing, or nutrigenomics – fusing genetics with nutrition. Sound confusing?

A health trend to watch, nutrigenomics, is based on the understanding that our genes hold small variations that impact how our body metabolizes

carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and more, or in plain terms, our genes influence the nutrients we require.

‘All humans are unique, and we each have our own genetic code which can influence so much of our health,’ says Daniel Herman, qualified nutritionist and founder of Bio-Synergy.

‘Genetic analysis can identify these tiny differences, from your physical build to which diseases you’re predisposed to.

In fact, unlocking the code of your genes and your environment could help you make smarter choices for better health.

’ While the field of nutrigenomics is a fairly new one, scientists are backing its role in helping individuals lose weight or prevent and treat diet-related illnesses.

A growing bank of science backs it – data from Harvard University and Stanford University in America suggests that genetic differences can predispose people to lose different amounts of weight on different diets.

In fact, studies indicate that 40 to 70 percent of the variability between individuals’ body mass index can be attributed to genetic factors, which makes the one-diet-for-all approach seem rather antiquated.

Experts also theorize that genes can influence our susceptibility to certain diet-related health problems.

For example, studies have already linked an SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism, or a small change in DNA sequencing that results in a genetic variation) to an increased risk
of osteoporosis in post-menopausal women with low calcium intake.

There’s even evidence to show that one in three people have a poor metabolic response to sugar; data suggests identifying this and teaching the individuals how to avoid blood sugar spikes could reduce their diabetes risk by as much as 40 per cent.


Clearly, then, the potential of nutrigenomic data is vast – imagine how healthy you’d be if your healthcare provider could offer recommendations based on your genetic data.

Unfortunately, it’s not that clear-cut because hundreds of genes could impact your results, and your complex gene-environment interactions also play a role.

Enter epigenetic data or the study of how the environment and our behaviors change how genes work.

While DNA itself is fixed, your epigenetic patterns can change based on what you eat, how much you exercise, and even what substances you’re exposed to.

And now, in 2021, commercial tests based on a saliva sample could provide you with the opportunity to tap into your epigenetic know-how.

‘It’s the ultimate DNA blueprint to health, performance, and longevity, using algorithms
to provide you with the knowledge to make life-changing health improvements and reduce
potential genetic health risks.’

Based on your individual genetic make-up, the test syncs smartly to an app
to give you tailored health advice, including macronutrient and vitamin recommendations, exercise advice, and more.

‘The test also detects caffeine sensitivity; obesity, diabetes, infection risk; overeating and snacking risk; metabolic rate; fat distribution; yo-yo dieting risk, and lactose intolerance.

‘Since the lockdowns, many of us are more interested in health than ever before; tests like this give you a unique profile of results that you can use in a variety of scenarios – when
exercising, when food shopping, or even when speaking to a health professional.’
