Parsley, Origin And 3 Amazing Benefits Of Consuming It


Parsley Full Of Health Benefits

Parsley is a very rich plant with which a lot of dishes or sauces are made, it is also widely used to decorate, as a seasoning, or in juices. However, many people prefer to omit this ingredient because it is not their favorite without knowing that it is abundant in vitamins as well as minerals, has multiple properties, and provides health benefits from which we will tell you.

Its generic name “Petroselinum sativum” comes from the Greek “petrol” meaning stone or rock, celery “selenium” and “sativum” which means adapted to be cultivated.

Parsley is a plant of meditative origin, specifically from Sardinia, the Italian island, whose cultivation is carried out through its leaves. Although it is often confused with coriander or even epazote, parsley has a unique aroma that distinguishes it from the others.

In the past parsley was the “cempasúchil” of our times, because it served to honor the graves of the dead, it was until the Middle Ages that its use began to be implemented in the kitchen.

There are three types or classes of parsley: curly parsley or orchard; Greek, Italian, continental, or “flat-leaf” parsley and Tuberous or Hamburg parsley, the root of which is delicious.

According to the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, its consumption is recommended fresh, as it provides proteins, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, thiamine, vitamin A and C; It is also rich in potassium, which is good for lowering blood pressure in adults.

Unfortunately, its properties do not last long, so it is recommended to freeze the parsley to keep it fresh and preserve them as much as possible.

Moreover, this culinary plant also has medicinal properties; According to the International Affiliate Activities Committee, parsley is used as a medicinal herb to combat or prevent diseases such as anemia, arthritis, urinary tract infections as well as different types of cancer due to its anticancer qualities in its myristic component.

It also stimulates digestion, eliminates the feeling of heaviness, cleanses toxins, prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys, possesses antioxidants that delay aging, and for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties keeps the skin clean, healthy, and “alive”.

As if that weren’t enough, it’s a natural diuretic, it prevents bad breath, whether it opens up the appetite and decreases inflammation by intestinal gases.

Surely after learning all its benefits, you won’t hesitate to include it in your meals, will you?

Natural Benefits of Parsley

This leafy herb is more than a pretty garnish. Found in flat and curly varieties, parsley is packed with antioxidants such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamins A, C, and K.

Its anti-inflammatory properties can also aid digestion and soothe gastrointestinal upset, says Signe Poquette, N.D., a resident at the National University of Natural Medicine Health Centers in Portland, OR. Try one of her favorite remedies.

Antioxidant Salsa

Top dishes like eggs, potatoes, fish, and salad with this bright, lemony dressing—a cinch to make, it packs a healthy punch. Combine one bunch of finely chopped parsley leaves, 2 tsp lemon zest, one clove garlic (minced), 2/3 cup olive oil, and 2 Tbsp red wine vinegar. Add salt to taste.

Stomach Soother

This recipe is great for an upset stomach or when you’re feeling under the weather and need something mild to digest. Put three 6-in.-long zucchini (chopped), three stalks of celery (chopped), 1 lb green beans, and 1 to 2 cloves garlic (optional) in 4 cups water in a saucepan. Bring to boiling, then reduce heat and simmer, covered, 15 min. Add 1 to 2 bunches of parsley leaves (approximately 2 cups) and puree with an immersion blender. Add salt and pepper to taste and drink hot. Keeps two days in the fridge.

Subtle Detox

Whip up this refreshing low-calorie beverage, full of antioxidants and vitamins, for a morning wake-up or an afternoon snack. Chop ½ cup parsley leaves (no stems), one medium apple (cored), ½ lemon (peeled and seeded), one 1-in. piece ginger (peeled), one small whole cucumber, and two stalks of celery. Place in blender and blend well, adding up to 1 cup water for smoothness. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve to remove solids and pour them into a glass over ice.

Parsley Tea With Lemon

One of the main benefits of parsley tea with lemon is strengthening the immune system, one of the most desired characteristics of the current pandemic joint.

Parsley and lemon are rich in vitamin C and powerful antioxidants that strengthen defenses; combat the damage caused by free radicals (molecules created every day in our body, caused by biological reactions), allowing the cell oxidation process to be delayed.

Nutrition specialist Yamila Pintor argues that parsley is a plant that generally facilitates digestion and promotes good intestinal transit. So it is an excellent option to improve gastrointestinal health, although, he stresses, only if consumed regularly.

In addition, this can maintain healthy skin and delay aging.

According to the American University of Beirut, lemon parsley tea has a great benefit as it helps keep the abdomen unwell and combat fluid retention. Thanks to its absence of cholesterol and saturated fats, it is a highly healthy drink.

Rich in antioxidants

We use very few fresh herbs in our environment, and we only have coriander (hyerbita), flat parsley, curly parsley, chives, basil, and good grass.

This infusion has carotenoids and flavonoids, two substances that can prevent, according to the scientific journal Nutrients, various types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, and even heart disease.

Rich in vitamin K

Vitamin K restores elasticity to the skin and strength to bones, according to their proper consumption.

This vitamin is necessary to keep bones strong and avoid fractures, and parsley contains it in large quantities, as revealed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Hence this infusion is an excellent contribution to your diet.

Fat and lemon

Abdominal swelling affects overweight or thin people. The Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition publicized a study that lemon is rich in polyphenols, which are ideal for preventing fat from accumulating in the body and thus prevents it from gaining weight, so it is perfect; It also has very few calories, so it’s an infusion that will keep you in shape.