How Much Salt Per Day: The Truth Meter


How Much Salt Per Day

How Much Salt Per Day


Slashing salt reduces blood pressure. This classic advice has strong evidence supporting it. 

A new meta-analysis of 133 randomized controlled trials of people both with and without hypertension found that the more significant their sodium intake reduction, the more their blood pressure dropped— sometimes in as little as one week.

And those with the highest baseline blood pressure benefited the most. (Your body does

need some sodium—less than 500mg per day—to function correctly, though.)


Salty food packs on pounds Higher-sodium foods—such as packaged foods and takeout meals—also tend to be higher in calories and have been associated with weight gain.

But it may be more than that. Researchers recently concluded that Americans who ate the most salt had a 24% higher risk of overweight or obesity than those who ate the least— regardless of caloric intake.

 One preliminary explanation: high-salt diets could tamper with hormones that promote fat storage.

That said, many factors contribute to weight gain, and there’s not enough evidence that salty food is a direct culprit.


Salt prevents muscle cramps. It turns out the electrolytes in sports drinks (which contain sodium and other minerals) might not help after all.

Recent research found that people who experienced muscle cramps during or after exercise sweated out similar amounts of sodium, potassium, and fluid as those whose muscles remained pain-free, even when vital factors like hydration status and sodium intakes

were taken into account.

The study authors say cramps have many causes, and sports drinks aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

When muscles tense up, other triggers could be at play, such as a longer or harder

workout, fatigue, or movement that aggravates an old injury.


Table salt is not your friend. Unless you use it like a maraca, your salt shaker probably won’t take you over the recommended 2,300 mg daily sodium cap (about 1 tsp. salt).

The average American does get almost 50% more than this per day. Research suggests that processed foods and restaurant meals are a much more significant contributor than table salt, accounting for about 70% of total sodium consumption.

According to the CDC, the top sources of dietary sodium are deli meat sandwiches,

pizza, burritos and tacos, soups, and savory snacks like popcorn, chips, and crackers.

How Much Salt Per Day

How Much Salt Per Day

Ten Easy Tips for Cutting Down Sodium Intake

Knowing more about sodium in foods and exploring new methods to prepare foods may help you achieve your sodium target.

 If you implement these tips in reducing the amount of sodium you consume, your “taste feel” for sodium will gradually drop over time.

How Much Salt Per Day, finally, you will not even miss it!

  1. Read thru the Nutrition Facts labels.
  2. Match and choose foods to get less than 100% DV (less than 2,300 mg) of sodium each day.
  3. Prepare your meal when you have time.
  4. Curb on packed sauces, various mixes, and “instant” products (including instant noodles, flavored rice, and pre-made pasta).
  5. Append flavor without adding sodium.
  6. Lessen the quantity of salt you put into foods when baking, cooking, or at the table. Perhaps try to use no salt seasoning blends and herbs and spices as a substitute for salt to add a twist to your food.
  7. Purchase fresh
  8. Select fresh meat, poultry, and seafood better than processed varieties. Also, check the package on fresh meat and poultry to see if saltwater or saline is added.
  9. Pat attention to your veggies
  10. Buy new, frozen (no sauce or seasoning), or low sodium or no-salt-added canned vegetables.