The Best Sunscreens of 2019 (and Toxic Ones to Avoid)

It's no secret that the sun (in moderate doses) provides all sorts of health benefits, including helping our bodies manufacture vital vitamin D. With beach season...

Beauty Treatments to Enhance Your Skin’s Collagen

There are scores of beauty treatments available on the current market, a lot of which may enhance your skin's look. However, because I understand how...

Visionworks: Importance of 4 Early Eye Exam

Visionworks Visionworks, once known as Eye Care Centers of America, Inc., is a leader in eye care services. It has more than 670 optical stores...

6 Expert Tips for Healthier Skin In Winter

The chilly season is not your skin’s best friend; one look at dull, flakey skin proves this point, but what would you say if...

Oral Hygiene: 5 Key Steps To Keep Your Teeth Happy

In oral hygiene, teeth are kept clean and healthy by brushing and flossing to prevent decay and gum disease. Bacteria and food build up...

Types Of Antibiotics: 6 Unique Important Types

Antibiotics Antibiotics are medicines that possess killing bacteria properties or can stop them from growing. They treat infections caused by bacteria, such as certain types...

What Are Ceramides? Benefits for Dry, Red or Irritated Skin

If you struggle with xerosis (the fancy name for dry skin), then the best face cream for you may likely be one that contains...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Benefits, Herbs & Therapies

  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient form of healthcare that dates back over 2,500 years and includes natural treatments such as acupuncture, herbal...

DIY Coffee Scrub for Cellulite & Stretch Marks

Cellulite affects about 80–90 percent of all women. Although extremely common, one of the top internet searches revolves around how to reduce cellulite. Thanks to current...

What Does Hydrogen Peroxide Do?

What Does Hydrogen Peroxide Do Hydrogen peroxide is a mellow germicidal used superficially on the skin to prevent infecting minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. Ever since its discovery...
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