Mental Health

Mental Health Category Page

Anxiety Natural Remedies: 15 Ways to Relax & Find Calm

Anxiety Natural Remedies Anxiety can be a disabling condition that’s accompanied by long-term stress and a decline in overall health. It contributes to many chronic diseases, even...

World Happiness Report: Where Does the U.S. Rank?

World Happiness Would you quantify happiness among people? The report, first printed in 2012 from the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, rankings 156 states based...

The Chemical Imbalance Theory … Or Is It a Myth?

Chemical Imbalance Theory Throughout the checkered history of psychotropic drugs, one theory has been perpetuated: Many people believe that the risks still outweigh the benefits of...

How to Activate Your Brain’s Caring Center: Compassion

The quality of cultivating and expressing Compassion is central to just about every religion on Earth, and also a significant focus in the field...

Happiness Study: What Makes Us Happy & Healthy?

Together with the Powerball lottery jackpot reaching mad peaks -- to the tune of more than 1.5 billion -- most men and women are...

Borderline Personality Disorder: 4 Natural Ways to Help BPD Treatment

Maybe someone you know is struggling with borderline personality disorder. The hallmark trait of borderline personality disorder is having a hard time regulating emotions —...

Healing Prayer Is There Such a Thing?

If you’ve read many of the articles on this site, something you’re probably already aware of is that I believe in focusing on your...

Harder to Be Happy with Forward Head Posture? It’s True

Thanks in no small part to a reliance on and addiction to technology, a sedentary lifestyle has become the norm. As a result, good...

Hygge: The Danish Trick for True Winter Happiness

Denmark always ranks among the most popular countries on earth. But? Well, a theory is known as "hygge," perceptible" HOO-gah," is now considered to become...

Mythbusters: Mood Plays Little Role in Your Health

The Myth Mood plays a tiny part in your wellness. The Reality Our bodies and minds have been linked in ways we're still detecting. However, only one...
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